IT Salary Survey for Europe

10 October 2022

#Exploratory Data Analysis   #Data Visualization   #Correlation Analysis

Jupyter notebook

   In this project, I conducted a comprehensive Exploratory Data Analysis (EDA) and created visualizations to understand the IT job trends in European region.

   The dataset was created through an anonymous survey of European IT professionals and contains data from 2018 - 2020 (approx. 3K rows and 20 colummns). Some of the key features include gender, seniority, job title, main technology used etc...

   I merged the dataset and structured it, imputed null values, and transformed features as part of data cleaning. Post this, I analysed the distribution of each features, visualized univariate and multivariate distributions and performed hypothesis testing to answer some socially relevant question like 'Are women employees paid less than their male counterparts'.